Replacing a Toilet Tank Valve

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Inside your toilet tank is a valve that controls flushing and water flow into the tank.  A defective tank valve will cause the toilet to “run” intermittently or continuously.  Fortunately, a tank valve replacement is easy bathroom repair.

First, turn off the water supply and disconnect the supply line from the bottom of the toilet tank.  Place an old towel on the floor to catch any drips.  Empty the tank by flushing the toilet and then use a plastic cup or a sponge to remove the rest of the water.

Remove the tank lid and locate the valve which is usually on the left side of the tank as you are facing it.  Most modern valves look like  a tall plastic column with a cylindrical float around it.  If you have an older valve, the float may be a ball attached to the valve with a skinny metal rod.

Disconnect the hose that runs from the valve to the overflow tube.  Remove the large nut on the bottom of the tank that holds the valve in place and lift the valve assembly out of the tank.

Installation of the new valve is the reverse.  Install the rubber washer on the valve, place the valve inside the tank and secure it with the large nut and rubber washer on the bottom of the tank.  Be careful not to over tighten the nut.  Connect the water supply line to the valve.

Inside the tank, connect the little rubber or plastic hose from the valve to the overflow tube, then turn on the water supply.  Adjust the height of the valve as needed for proper flushing.   Check  flushing operation and look for water leaks, then replace the tank lid.

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