Water Saving Tips

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Most of us take water for granted, as it is easily accessible and pumped conveniently into our homes. However, clean, healthy water is something we need to preserve and reducing waste can help save the clean water resources we have. Water conservation helps reduce the amount of pollution that can be added to our lakes, streams and watersheds, as well as reduce the amount of your water and energy bills each month.

Tips For Conserving Water 

If you have leaking fixtures such as faucets, showerheads, or toilets, call your plumber and have those toilets, showerhead, and faucets repaired.  Even a small leak can waste thousands of gallons of water per year.  In addition, every family can greatly reduce the amount of water that goes down the drain by just making a few changes in their daily routines. On top of using water efficient appliances and plumbing fixtures, there are small things everyone can do to save on water waste.

  • Rinsing. Whatever it is you need to rinse, whether it is a razor, dishes or fruits and vegetables, do not just rinse them over an open drain. Put a small amount of clean water in a clean sink or tub to rinse items.
  • Flushing. Replacing existing toilets with more economical, water-saver toilets is the easiest way to lower the amount of water used for each flush.
  • Run full loads. Both the dishwasher and the clothes washer should only be run when they have a full load. Clothes washers should always be set to the correct load size as well.

By just making a conscience effort, you can save on the amount of water you waste each day, helping the environment and your water bill.


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