Water Heater Maintenance: Don’t Overlook It!

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Often we take our water heaters for granted until something goes wrong. However, these are expensive pieces of equipment and can last much longer if simple maintenance is done regularly on them. By scheduling a maintenance inspection at least once a year, you can increase the longevity and efficiency of your water heater. The following three items are usually included in a water heater inspection by a plumber.

 Check The Pressure Release Valve

The first step in your annual maintenance is to check the temperature-release valve (TPR). The water supply valve and the power to the water heater should be shut off first. Then a bucket is put under the pipe that leads to the TPR, which should be on the side or top of the heater. The handle on the valve will be lifted to release some water into the bucket and then let the handle go. If water continues to come out, the valve is not working properly and may need to be replaced. 

Check The Anode Rod

On the top of the heater, there is a hex head that contains the anode rod. To remove the anode rod, your plumber will first drain out a few gallons of water from the tank, then unscrew the hex head and pull out the anode rod. If the rod is less than 1/2 inch thick or is corroded, it may be recommended to replace the rod.  

Flush The Tank

The last step in annual maintenance of a water heater is flushing the tank. The water  will be drained out of the tank. Once it is empty, a little water will be added to flush sediment from the bottom and then it is drained again. This is repeated until water comes out clean. 

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