When to Replace a Leaking Water Service Line

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Most homeowners first recognize that they have a problem with their water service line when one of two things happens:  Either they get an unusually large water bill or they find a mushy spot in the yard.  Both of these are signs that your water line is leaking and calls for immediate help from an experienced plumbing contractor.

With a leaking water line you will have the option of replacing the entire line or just repairing the leaky section.  The answer depends on your unique situation and your plumber will be able to help you make the decision, but in general if you have a polybutylene or galvanized steel line you should replace it.  If you have copper or PVC, then answer depends on the condition of the pipe and the cause of the leak.

Older galvanized steel or polybutylene water lines tend to deteriorate over time.  When a leak develops, it usually signals that the entire line is on the verge of failure and the pipe should be replaced rather than repaired.  Sometimes these lines can be repaired, but they will usually start leaking again in a new location.  Spending money on repairs is a waste of time for galvanized steel or polybutylene.  It’s best to bite the bullet and have the line replaced.

Copper and PVC water lines are another matter.  These can often be repaired, depending on the reason for the leak.  If the leak is at a fitting or caused by shifting of the ground and the pipe otherwise appears to be in good condition, it is usually possible to repair PVC and especially copper water supply lines with good results.  Your plumber can help you decide if water line replacement or water line repair is the best option for these types of pipes.

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