Protecting Your Water Pipes From Freezing

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Frozen water pipes are a common problem that can lead to big home repair expenses. When the temperature drops, especially unexpectedly, homeowners can find themselves with pipes that become frozen and even burst under the extreme cold and pressure. Once they burst, not only do they need to be replaced, but they can also cause water damage and other issues in your home. The best solution to avoid a broken water line repair is proactively preventing frozen pipes in the first place.

Water Pipe Freeze Protection

A severe cold snap, especially in warmer climates, is the most common cause of frozen water pipes. While homes in colder climates typically are built with well-insulated pipes, those in warmer regions may not have adequate insulation to protect them in unexpectedly cold weather. When the water in pipes freezes, it expands, causing pressure and backing up water being forced into the pipe. To prevent freezing and the resulting bursting, use these tips before and during cold weather.

–          Insulate your pipes. Check areas in basements, crawl spaces and attics where pipes may be exposed to cold weather. Wrap pipes with insulating tape, foam or even paper to help insulate against cold air.

–          Run water. Just a small trickle of water can keep pipes from freezing. In extreme weather snaps in warmer climates, this can be used short term to prevent freezing.

–          Use heat. Keep the heat on in cold weather, even when away from home. This can help to keep the pipes warm and aid in freezing prevention.

In cold weather, if water does not come through your faucet, that is the first sign of a frozen pipe. A frozen pipe can often be thawed before it bursts, so calling a plumber right away may reduce further damage and expense.

Posted on behalf of Seagraves Plumbing

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