Preparing Your Home Plumbing for Spring

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The weather’s getting warmer, and by now your home’s plumbing system is acclimated to the more irregular use of the winter months. As you prepare for spring, here are some things you can do to make sure your home plumbing is prepared along with you.

Inspect your home for any slow water leaks. Freezing winter  temperatures can cause ice to form in water lines.  Since water expands as it freezes, ice in the water lines can cause a cracked water pipe.  To check for leaks, record the number on your water meter at night before going to bed, and take another reading the next morning, making certain not to use any water during the night – be sure to turn off icemakers and don’t flush your toilets. If the morning reading shows any is higher than when you went to bed and you are sure that no water was used during the night, you very likely have a leaking water line. Check any exposed pipes – indoors and outdoors, in cabinets, basements or crawl spaces – for any signs of water leaking.  You may also have  leak in the water supply line buried in your yard.  Look for a soggy spot in the yard that doesn’t dry out.

Also check your appliances like your washing machine or dishwasher for leaks in their supply hoses. Any hoses that show any damage should be replaced, as should supply hoses that are older than ten years. You should consider installing flood alarms in certain areas like basements. Flood alarms will alert you to any leaks or water that they come in contact with.

If your home was installed with a sump pump, be certain that it operates correctly. Try pouring a few buckets of water into the pump’s pit. If it works properly, the pump should quickly activate and expel the water before shutting down.

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