Hot Water Leaks

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Have you noticed unusually high water bills accompanied by high energy bills?  Have you been running out of hot water sooner than normal?  If your home is built on a slab, have you noticed a warm spot on the floor?  If you answered yes to these questions, you may have a leak in your hot water pipes.

It is not uncommon for a home to develop a leak in the hot water lines that goes unnoticed for weeks or months, especially if the home is built on a concrete slab.  In a home built on a foundation with a crawlspace or basement, a leak in the hot water pipes is usually noticed quickly since the pipes are often visible in the basement or crawlspace.  Even when the pipes are hidden in the walls or ceilings, a leak will result in noticeable wet spots on the ceilings, floors, and walls.

However, in many homes built on a slab, the hot water pipes run under the slab and a leak can go undetected for a long time.  This is a very common problem especially in homes originally plumbed with polybutylene pipes.

If you suspect a leak in you hot water pipes, you should have the leak repaired as soon as possible by an experienced plumber.  Leaking hot water wastes water and energy.  Your water heater has to work overtime to keep the water in the tank hot which will drive up your energy bills.  Even a small hot water leak can cost you hundreds of dollars per year in high water and energy bills.

In addition, water leaks under a slab cause erosion problems and attracts termites and other insects.  Avoid wasting money on expensive repairs by having hot water leaks fixed by a reputable local plumber.

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