High Water Bills Can Be A Sign Of A Leak

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If your water bill has increased over recent months, it may be a sign of a water leak in your home. Not all leaks are immediately apparent; they may be inside your toilet, under your home or even in your walls. A slow leak can cause your water bill to rise, and it is only a matter of time before that slow leak becomes a major one. If your water bill is higher than normal, it is time to investigate the reasons why before major water damage occurs.

Sneaky Leaks

There are several places where plumbing can leak water without you necessarily noticing. Even a small drip or leak can add up to gallons of water lost every day. Some common leaks that go undetected include:

  • Toilets. Although a running toilet is usually noticeable, there are minor leaks that can be almost silent. Two of the most common toilet leaks are due to either a leaking stopper valve or a fault ball cock valve.
  • Interior pipes. Most of your plumbing runs in between walls and under floors, making it hard to detect leaks. These can be the most damaging, as they may be causing water damage to your home without you knowing it is happening.
  • Exterior water supply lines. It is possible that water is leaking out into the ground before it ever even gets into your home. A small leak in your water line will eventually result in a burst pipe if not found and repaired.

Of course, there are many reasons your water bill may have increased which may not involve a leak, such as higher usage and rate hikes. However, if nothing else has changed, you may want to call your local plumber to schedule a professional leak inspection on your plumbing before the problem gets worse.

Posted on behalf of Seagraves Plumbing Septic & Sewer 

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