Average US Household Water Usage

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We all strive to be “above average”, but when it comes to household water usage, below average is better.  Using less water is not only good for the environment, but it’s good for your wallet.  You can save a lot of money on your water bill by reducing your household water consumption without sacrificing comfort or performance.  Your household water usage is one area where it pays to be below average.

Think you’re doing a good job conserving water?  Compare your water usage with the national average to see how your family’s usage stacks up.  Your water bill should provide your monthly usage information.  According to the EPA, an average family of four uses about 280 gallons of water per day for indoor water usage.  That’s  about 8,400 gallons of water per month or 100,000 gallons per year.

If your household water usage is “above average” or you just want to save money on water bills, the bathroom is a great place to start.  The bathroom accounts for about half of a household’s water usage.  Installing water efficient low flow toilets, showerheads, faucets and other fixtures can save hundreds of gallons of water per month.

Finding and fixing water leaks is another great way to save water with no adverse effect at all.  Over ten percent of indoor water usage is attributed to water line leaks.  If you suspect a water leak, have your plumbing system checked out by a reputable plumber.

Clothes washing is another area ripe for water savings.  Modern washing machines use as little as half as much water as older models.  When washing clothes, wait until you have a full load to run the washer and keep in mind that cold water is fine for washing most clothes and will help keep them from fading.


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