Toilet In Need Of Repair?

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Would anyone argue that the toilet is probably the most important plumbing fixture in your home? It is important because it receives the most traffic and performs a job for which we cannot do without, at least, not without great inconvenience. Although made to be sturdy and reliable, we’ve all had our momentary struggles with this piece of plumbing marvel and, whether it be a clog, continuously running water, or tank noises, there inevitably comes a time when home toilet repair is attempted.

Toilet repairs can vary in complexity, from replacing the seat to clearing a clog, or from fixing tank noises to a ballcock assembly. Once a person has a basic understanding of the working parts inside the toilet tank, most problems are resolved fairly easily. Similar to other trades, it is important to first diagnose the problem in order to ascertain the possible causes; to which, you can then implement the solution. Most problems relative to the tank or the correct flushing and filling of water, can be resolved by a slight adjustment of the float ball or rod, replacing washers and sometimes the ballcock assembly.

For more complicated main line clogs, repairs or replacement of the bowl, tank, or entire fixture, it is always preferable to contact your local plumbing professional. Even if attempting a minor do-it-yourself adjustment to the ballcock assembly, you may want to check with your plumbing contractor to ensure that the procedure you are about to do is the correct solution to the problem you are wanting to address. Compared to a clogged toilet, strange noises or continuously running water in your tank are not just annoying but costly in the amount of wasted water.  Therefore, make sure that your toilet system is functioning properly in all aspects.

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