Low Flow Toilets

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If you need to replace an existing toilet or you are choosing toilets to install in your newly constructed home, you will need to choose from one of the many excellent low flow toilets on the market today.  Prior to 1995, most toilets sold in the United States used about 3.5 gallons of water per flush.  Just flushing the toilet accounts for about 30 percent of the indoor water usage for the average household equipped with these older toilets.

By federal law, since 1995 all toilets sold in the United States cannot use more than 1.6 gallons per flush.  By cutting the amount of water a household uses for flushing toilets by over 50%, low flow toilets are not only environmentally responsible, but they also save you money.

When the low flow toilet law first took effect, it sparked complaints about incomplete flushing and the need to “double flush”.  Many of these complaints about these  early low flow toilets were well founded, but toilet manufacturers have made great strides during the 15 years since the low flow law took effect.  Many of today’s low flow toilets work as well as or better than their pre-1995 counterparts.

Toilet manufacturers use a variety of technologies to achieve good toilet performance.  Whether the toilet uses dual flush, single flush, gravity feed, or pressure assist technology matters less than how well the toilet performs.  Look for top performing toilets in tests run by Consumer Reports, the National Association of Home Builders Research Center, or the Maximum Performance Testing published by the California Urban Water Conservation Council.

If you need any additional help, a reputable plumber who offers general plumbing services will be happy to assist you with the choice and installation of a new low flow toilet.

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