How to Diagnose a Running Toilet

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A toilet that runs all of the time can end up being costly for your water bill.  If you have a toilet that runs constantly, you can do a few checks to determine the cause before calling a plumber.  Here are some tricks to help you find out what the problem is so that you can purchase the right parts for toilet repair.

One of the first issues to check is if the flapper is not sealing properly.  The flapper is a partially flat rubber lid that covers the water valve to shut off the flow.  The flapper can lose its seal so that it does not close all of the way.  To find out if this is the problem, use a stick to press down on the flapper.  If the water stops, then the flapper needs to be replaced.

Also, look at the float, which is a large round ball attached to a long arm that rises with the level of water.  Once it gets to a certain position, it triggers the shut-off valve to stop the running water.  If the float does not reach that level, the water will continue to run.  Check the arm to make sure it isn’t bent or corroded to keep it from rising and make sure the ball is not filling with water.

You will need to check the chain that lifts the flapper to empty the tank and drops to let it fill.  If the chain is too short, it will not allow the flapper to close correctly.  A chain that’s too long can get caught under the flapper and cause the toilet to run constantly.

Once the problem is diagnosed, you can call your plumber and let them know the problem so they can bring the correct parts and make the repairs quickly.

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