High Water Bills May Indicate Water Leaks

Many times, the first indication that you may have a water leak is a high water bill, especially if your water bill seems to be getting higher every month for no apparent reason.  If this sounds familiar, you may have a water leak that should be checked out by a reputable plumber.  Water leaks not only waste water, but depending on where the leak is located, it can cause serious damage.

Normal fluctuations in a home’s water usage can come from many different sources.  For example, if you have a sprinkle irrigation system it would be expected that the water bill increases when the sprinkler system is in use.  Similarly, if you have a swimming pool or spa you would expect that your water bill will go up during the summer months as water lost due to evaporation is replaced.

However, if your water bills keep climbing without a good explanation, it may be an indication of a water leak in your water lines, sprinkler irrigation system, or inside your home.  It is important to find and repair and water leaks as soon as possible.  Water leaks inside the home can damage floors, walls, and ceilings.  Water leaks in the water supply line or irrigation system can cause erosion, damage foundations, driveways, and sidewalks, and attract termites and other insects.

A good plumber will be able to quickly locate and repair any water leaks at your home.  They understand the common sources of water leaks and have the experience needed to track down any leak.  They can also use sophisticated leak detection equipment to pinpoint leaks without damaging your property.  Identifying the exact location of the leak will also minimize the amount of digging or opening holes in walls, floors or ceilings to access the leaky pipes.