Warning Signs of a Water Leak

Every home will eventually have a water leak of some kind.  There are many different points that water leaks can occur in the home.  Some water leaks such as a leaky toilet flapper valve are easy to fix and don’t cause a lot of damage but others including leaky pipes or a leaking water supply line can cause serious damage to your property.

However, all water leaks waste water and should be repaired as soon as possible by an experienced water line repair plumber. Even a small water leak can waste a lot of water and add hundreds of dollars per year to your water bill. By being alert to signs of a water leak, homeowners will know when to call a plumber who can locate the leak and repair it before it causes serious damage or wastes a lot of water.

Some obvious signs of water leaks in the home that calls for immediate attention include wet spots in the ceiling or walls, and standing water in the crawlspace or basement.  You may also see mold or mildew growing in the area of a water leak.

If your home is built on a slab, a warm spot on the floor can be a sign of a leak in a hot water pipe.  With this type of leak you may also notice that your gas or electric bill has gone up (depending on whether you have a gas or electric water heater).

A wet or soft, mushy area of the yard that never dries out is another sign that you may have a water leak.  If you notice any of these symptoms, have it checked out by a reputable plumber.  Your plumber can locate any leaks and get them repaired quickly.  If left unrepaired, many water leaks can cause expensive damage to your walls, ceilings, floors, and even your foundation.