Going Green With Green Plumbing

Conserving natural resources is great for the environment and when it comes to plumbing, conserving water and energy for water heating can help you save money too!  Here are just  few of the many ways you can do your part for the environment while putting money back in your wallet with green plumbing:

Low Flow Toilets – According to the EPA, toilets account for about 30 percent of water usage in a typical home.  If your toilets were installed in your home prior to 1992, installing new low flow toilets can cut your toilet water usage by half or more.  Standard low flow toilets use about half the water of older toilets and WaterSense use 20 percent less water than a standard low flow toilet.  The great news is that the performance of modern low flow toilets is far superior to those sold in the late 1990s.

Low Flow Showerheads and Faucets – Replacing your old showerheads and faucets with new low flow fixtures can cut your water usage by more than half and save money on energy costs for water heating as well.  The less hot water you use, the less energy it will take to heat the water.  Save even more with WaterSense fixtures.

Water Heating – There are many ways to save energy on water heating.  Lowering your water heater setting and installing heat traps and an insulation blanket on a storage type water heater can significantly reduce energy consumption for water heating.  Better yet, talk to your plumber about installing a tankless water heating system.  You will not only eliminate standby heat loss, but you will also enjoy an endless supply of hot water.