Go Green and Save Green on Your Utility Bills

If saving the planet is as important to you as saving money, then green is definitely your color! When it comes to water, going green and saving green are often the same things. By reducing the amount of water and energy you use, you reduce energy and water waste and reduce your monthly utility bills as well.


There are several techniques, equipment and fixtures that will help you reduce your water use and lower your energy bills at the same time. Consider making these “green” changes around your home:


  • Collect rain and gutter run-off. Reuse rain and gutter run-off to water plants around your home, inside and out.


  • Fix leaky faucets and toilets. A leaking toilet or faucets can add up to hundreds of gallons wasted each month. Calling a plumber to fix the problem is a greener solution and is less expensive in the long run.


  • Convert to high-efficiency fixtures. Faucets, showerheads and many other fixtures come in high-efficiency models. Replace them as you can and switch to the “greener” models. Showerheads alone can save hundreds of gallons of water a month.


  • Upgrade appliances. Almost all appliances that use water have energy/water efficient models. Although you may not be able to afford to upgrade all these at once, there are often rebates and tax breaks to encourage you to do so when you can.


  • Never let water run down the drain. Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth. Put in the plug before you start to run your bath water. Rinse items in a plugged sink or tub, not over an open drain. Get the point?


Just making a few changes here and there can save you money while you reduce energy and water waste. Go green and you will never look back!