The Many Advantages of Low Flow Toilets

If you still have older, pre-1995 toilets installed in your home, you are missing out on the many advantages of low flow toilets.  You may be one of the millions of Americans who are hanging on to their old water hungry toilets because they have heard so much bad information about how poorly low flow toilets work.

It’s true that when low flow toilets were first introduced in the mid 1990s, the performance in most of them was seriously lacking.  “Double flushing” and clogged toilets were common.  However, manufactures have since stepped up to the plate and designed water efficient toilets that work just as well or better than the old water wasting models. The time has come to retire those old toilets and join your friends and neighbors who are enjoying the many advantages of low flow toilets.

Toilets account for about 25% of the indoor water usage in the average U.S. home.  A family of four uses over 25,000 gallons of water per year for toilet flushing. Older model toilets use between 3.5 and 7 gallons per flush. Compare that with 1.3 to 1.6 gallons per flush for modern low flow toilets.

You can cut your water usage for toilets by as much as two thirds by switching to new low flow toilets without any loss in performance.  You will save money on your water bill and it’s good for the environment too!  In addition, if your home is on a septic system, low flow toilets reduce the amount of water that flows into the system and can help your system last longer.  Talk to a reputable plumber about installing low flow toilets in your home.