5 Plumbing Issues that Should Be Left to a Plumber

It is understandable to want to save money by doing home repairs on your own. While it is simple enough to do many repairs around your house as do-it-yourself projects, plumbing issues can be a different story. Replacing a washer on a faucet is one thing – replacing a toilet or fixing other plumbing issues may be more difficult than it looks when you watch a DIY video on YouTube. Here are five plumbing issues that are better off left to the professionals.

  1. Toilet installations. Installing a new toilet is not rocket science but it also takes finesse and skill. Ensuring that it is properly set and sealed is important to prevent much bigger plumbing problems.
  2. Severely clogged drains. A small hair clog can be easy enough to remove but deeper, more severely clogged pipes should be handled by a plumber to solve the issue.
  3. Leaking pipes. While you may be able to fix a small leak under the bathroom sink, a leaking pipe behind a wall may require more expertise to reduce damage to your home.
  4. Sewer backups. Multiple drain backups need emergency plumbing repair. You may have a clogged or broken sewer line that could push contaminated sewage into your home.
  5. New appliances or fixtures. Many experienced DIY homeowners can handle replacing a washer or faucet. But when it comes to new appliances or fixtures that need to be plumbed into your home, call a professional.

Even small plumbing issues can be better off in the hands of a professional. The time and money you spend going back and forth to the hardware store can be avoided with a call to your local plumber.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(678) 873-7934