Little Known Plumbing Facts About Common Household Products

There are many common products which may be in your home, posing a risk to your plumbing. In fact, some of these products are even designed to be used with sinks or toilets, yet can be damaging your plumbing every time you use them. To protect your plumbing and avoid the necessity for expensive repairs and replacements, here are a few facts about some household products that may be harming your plumbing.

  • Soap. Yes, you read that right. Your everyday hand soap can be damaging your plumbing fixtures. When you wash your hands and grab the faucet with your soapy digits, that soap left on the handle can be ruining your hardware. Ever see little bubbles or peeling fixtures? This can be caused from soap; wipe off the faucets after you use them with soapy hands.
  • Toilet tank cleaners. Those little in-tank cleaners for your toilet may not be cleaning anything at all. Many of these products only bleach the deposits, and don’t remove them. So while you think your tank and toilet are being cleaned, they are accumulating build up. Take the time to scrub down your tank and toilet instead.
  • Chemical clog removers. Most plumbers will agree that the chemical clog remover is one of the most harmful products you can put down your drains. These chemicals can damage your plumbing while doing little to completely remove any clog. Use a plunger or snake to remove clogs, or call in a professional!

Ask your local plumber about other little known facts regarding your plumbing which may surprise you. These professionals have seen it all when it comes to plumbing problems, and can offer you some money saving advice!

Posted on behalf of:
Kiddco Plumbing Inc
Sterling, VA
(703) 435-4441