Is Your Water Line Leaking?

A broken or leaking water supply line can waste thousands of gallons of water in just a few days.  If you don’t notice that your water line is leaking, you could be socked with unnecessarily high water bills month after month. In addition, water line leaks can cause underground erosion and damage your driveway, foundation, or landscaping features. By being alert to the warning signs of a water line leak, you’ll know when to investigate further to find out if your water line is leaking and arrange for water line repairs if needed.

Those high water bills are the first sign of a water leak for many homeowners.  If you water bill has gone up significantly from last month, you may have a broken water line.  If you have a swimming pool or if you water your lawn, it is normal for your water usage to climb in the summer.  Check your water usage against the same month last year to see if the recent increase is out of line.

The other clear indication of a water line leak is a soft or wet spot in the yard.  If there is an area of your yard that never seems to dry out, it is a pretty good sign of a water leak in your water supply line unless the area has a foul odor in which case it is more likely to be a problem with your sewer line or septic system.

To confirm a leaking water line, shut off the water supply inside your home and take a look at the water meter at the curb.  Take a reading of the meter and compare it to the meter reading an hour later.  If the number has changed, you water service line is probably leaking.  Have it checked out and repaired by your local plumber.