Buying a New Garbage Disposal

Whether you are replacing an old garbage disposal or adding a new one for the first time, you have several things to consider when buying a new disposal.  While you can replace the old one with a new disposal similar to it, you want to make sure it is the correct choice.  You may want to upgrade to a bigger, better one.

The first thing you will want to look at is the type of garbage disposal you want to buy.  They come in two styles: batch and continuous.  Continuous is the more well-known with operation of the disposal being controlled by a switch.  Batch mode garbage disposals only operate when the unit is activated and the lid engaged.

You will also want to look at size since that determines the size and amount of food it can handle.  Most homes will need at least a ¾ horsepower unit to prevent problems with operation.  Weight is another concern since some sinks won’t be able to support a heavy unit.

Replacing a current disposal with a new model should only take you about 30 minutes but installing a brand new device can take up to 2 hours.  You will need an electrical power source nearby for the unit to work.  Installation varies depending on where your drain line is located; it can either be in the wall or the floor.

Installing a garbage disposal takes basic plumbing skills and electrical skills.  Unless you are confident in your plumbing and electrical abilities, it may be wise to hire dependable plumber to handle the project.  This is especially helpful if you are installing a new disposal rather than replacing a current one.

Dealing With a Smelly Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal is a useful kitchen appliance, but it can develop an unpleasant odor due to food particles remaining on the walls of the grinder.  Bacteria growing in the bits of food left behind create unpleasant odors in garbage disposals.  Here are few simple tips for dealing a smelly garbage disposal.

To get rid of garbage disposal smells you want to do more than just mask the odor.  You need to clean the leftover food particles from inside the unit.  Running a few ice cubes through the disposal will help knock loose stubborn food particles and scour the inside of the disposal and blades.  Making the ice cubes out of vinegar is even more effective.

Flush away the loosened particles by filling the sink with six inches of soapy water, then unplug the sink and run the disposal while the soapy water drains.  A common household plunger works well to stop up the drain to fill the sink with water.

Another method is to cut up a lemon or orange and run it through the disposal.  The citrus juices will help clean the disposal and leave fresh clean scent.

To help keep your garbage disposal clean, be sure to run plenty of water through the disposal when grinding up waste.  Also, be sure to allow the disposal to run long enough to dispose of all the waste.  Not running the disposal long enough is a primary cause of garbage disposal smells.

Finally, avoid pouring grease and oil down the drain.  Grease and oil will accumulate on the walls of the disposal and the drain pipes and cause odors.  If you must dispose of small amounts of grease or oil, run cold water to help prevent the grease and oil from adhering to the drain pipe and the disposal.