Why Clogged Drains Might Be More Serious Than You Think

Clogged or slow-moving drains are one of the most common plumbing problems that a homeowner faces, and often leave you reaching for a bottle of commercial drain cleaner. While these chemical solutions may clear out stubborn hair clogs, you may want to think twice before dumping them down a slow-moving drain.

First and foremost, liquid drain cleaners contain corrosive chemicals that are designed to completely dissolve the materials blocking the drain. Pipes in older homes can become thin or damaged over time, and the same chemicals that blast a clog can erode them even further. A damaged pipe is a pipe that leaks, which can lead to very expensive repairs and property damage. The money you think you’re saving by taking matters into your own hands can be spent several times over to repair damage you inadvertently caused by tackling problems bigger than they appear.

Clogs can also occur as a result of massive hard water build-up, or be located farther down the pipe than you can reach with a chemical drain cleaner or pipe snake. These problems will not only render your efforts useless, but could also cause more problems if you’re damaging already weak pipes. Slow-moving or clogged drains in more than one area of your home can indicate problems with your house drain or a soil drain. Before you attempt to clear out a stubborn clog or clean a slow-moving drain, it’s wise to seek the advice and diagnostic services of a licensed, professional plumber. In the long run, you could save far more money by getting professional attention than if you take on the task yourself and perform repairs incorrectly.