Do You Need a Sump Pump?

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If your home has a basement that floods, a sump pump is often the most effective way of keeping it dry.  Sump pumps are usually more effective than barrier type waterproofing systems.  Waterproofing systems are designed to keep the water from entering your basement through cracks in the walls, but they cannot prevent water from finding its way under the wall and entering your basement at the junction of the floor and wall, through a drain in the floor, or through a crack or other defect in the floor.

Additionally, waterproofing systems are most effective at keeping out water runoff from rain or melting snow.  If your home is in an area where the water table rises above the level of your basement floor, your best bet for keeping the basement dry is a sump pump.

Sump pumps are installed in a well in your basement floor that collects water before it intrudes into your basement.  The well can collect rainwater runoff as well as water from rising ground water.  When the water level in the well reaches a certain height, a float switch is activated and the water is pumped safely away from your home.

Sump pumps can be purchased at your local home improvement store, but for a truly effective system you should have your sump pump installed by an experienced plumbing contractor.  Proper design and installation of the sump pump system is critical for effective operation.  A good plumbing contractor can help you select the right size sump pump system for your home.

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