Why Choose a Double Basin Sink for Your Kitchen?

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If you don’t have a dishwasher in your kitchen (the mechanical appliance type), then having a double basin sink, with both basins the same size, in your kitchen is just good common sense. This will allow you to comfortably wash dishes on one side of the sink while rinsing them on the other. Even if you have a dishwasher, this may be what you’d prefer if you’d rather wash your larger pots and pans by hand. Today you have the option of a double basin sink with two differently sized basins, one larger for washing pots with a smaller basin for food preparation. In fact, triple basin sink options are available today as well.

Existing cabinetry, counter and under-the-counter space will play a role in what type of sink you decide to purchase. One option, if going with the double basin, is to purchase a cover for the second basin that can also serve as a cutting board. A double basin sink will take up more room underneath your countertop. Of course, deeper sinks will take up even more space. How much under-the-counter space you have in your existing cabinetry is an important factor because a double basin sink will require the kitchen plumbing for two drains. Before purchasing your sinks, consult with your local plumbing professional to make certain you get the best product to meet your individual needs.

Your kitchen space, its appliances and features, should all combine to enable you to prepare and cook food with the least amount of effort. How you cook, how you work and prepare, and how you clean up your kitchen will all be considerations in whether or not two sinks in your kitchen is a must have.

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