Why Is Your Tub Draining Slow?

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Whether you’re standing in a few inches of water during your morning shower or waiting forever for a full tub to drain, slow draining tubs are a major inconvenience. Sluggish drainage can usually be traced back to one of a few common causes, most of which are easily corrected by an experienced plumber.

The most common cause of slow-moving drains in a bathtub is simple clogged drain pipe. Oils and hair can clump together, effectively reducing the amount of water that can move through the drain. Keep in mind that the average person loses about one hundred hairs per day. In a household consisting of just two people, that equates to thousands of shed hairs over the course of a month.  Mineral deposits from hard water can also build up over time, rendering the drain impassable.

Pay attention to the drains in other plumbing fixtures before fixating on a slow bathtub drain. If sinks and other fixtures drain sluggishly, it may be time to consider the vent system. Blockages in a house drain vent system can create slow draining situations all over the house.

Dumping a bottle of corrosive chemicals purchased at the local home supply chain may lead to a temporary improvement when slow drains are caused by blockages and clogs. However, caustic chemicals can also be damaging to the pipes themselves and to the environment.

Whether you suspect that your slow drain is the result of blockage or vent issues, it’s always best to call in an experienced plumber to clear clogged drains. A licensed plumber will be able to get to the root of a slow moving drain, correcting the problem without inadvertently causing larger ones in the process.

Posted on behalf of Chuck Seagraves, Seagraves Plumbing


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