Unclog the Toilet

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Dealing with a clogged toilet is never any fun. Procrastination is usually the first resort when it comes to clearing a clogged toilet. You sit there and watch it, hoping the problem will take care of itself. Surprisingly, this method does work fairly often and the only fix necessary is an extra flush. When this doesn’t work, however, there are a few more steps you can take before calling for a licensed plumber. The following list includes a few tips that not only work pretty well but don’t involve harsh chemicals and unhealthy fumes.

  • The Plunger – As an archaeological relic, the toilet plunger is only about a half-hour younger than the first toilet, and has served mankind commendably since then. While a cup plunger will work, it is best-suited for sinks and tubs. For toilets best results will be achieved with a flanged plunger.
  • Hot Water and Detergent – Sometimes the heat and volume of the extra water and lubricating effect of the detergent are enough to loosen the stoppage.
  • The Snake – As with a plunger, the drain snake (aka the drain auger) should be a mainstay in any basic homeowner tool set. Be careful to not scratch the porcelain bowl with the tip of the auger or get it stuck in the plumbing.
  • Long-Sleeved Rubber Gloves – Sometimes you just have to do things manually to dislodge or retrieve a blockage. Plumbers all have some story to tell about things they have found while clearing a stoppage, everything from organics to combs and hair-clips and cell phones. 

If none of these measures are productive or you just don’t want the hassle, then don’t be afraid to call a pro. A reputable plumber can often handle these problems much quicker than the standard do-it-yourselfer.

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