Managing a Clogged Toilet

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When it comes to embarrassing and messy situations in the average home, a clogged toilet definitely tops the list. While some minor clogs can be cleared away with the use of a hand plunger, there are some clogs that even the most vigorous plunger action won’t remedy.

Before you reach for a do-it-yourself cure for a clogged toilet, take a realistic appraisal of your plumbing knowledge. If you have a basic idea of how to use a closet auger, breaking one out and attempting to clear away a messy clog may be a reasonable choice. If your plumbing knowledge is limited, however, you’ll want to think twice before you attempt to repair your clogged toilet. Never pour chemicals intended for sink or bathtub drains down your toilet. Depending on the chemical composition of the product in question, it can cause the porcelain to crack or even explode.

If the closet auger doesn’t pass muster and you’re not sure of what to do next, it’s time to call in the professionals. There are plenty of folk remedies for clogged toilets to be found on the Internet or through well-intended advice, but these incorrect methods often lead to more trouble and extended downtime than they’re worth. If you don’t have a clear and proven plan of clog-busting action, don’t try to clear a blockage from your toilet yourself.

A licensed and experienced plumber can make quick work of even the most stubborn toilet clogs. With specialized equipment and plenty of practical knowledge, a professional plumber is the best person for the job. Keep in mind that the cost of repairing a DIY mistake will likely be much, much higher than the total cost of simply hiring a professional to handle the issue in the first place.

Posted on behalf of Chuck Seagraves, Seagraves Plumbing


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