Making a Plumber’s Emergency Kit

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From clogged drains to burst water pipes, emergencies tend to strike unexpectedly – that’s what makes them an emergency. Why should plumbing be any different? But knowing what to do when the unexpected happens isn’t always enough. If you’re prepared for plumbing emergencies, then that makes handling them that much easier.

Consider using a bucket to hold your tools – you can find one of various sizes at any home improvement store. That way you’ll have plenty of room for everything you need to carry, and if a leak springs unexpected, you’ll be ready to catch the water and eliminate some of the mess. You can also buy something called a tool caddy, which can be attached to the bucket for extra space to hold things.

Necessary tools that you should have on hand are plungers, several wrenches of various sizes (either fixed or adjustable), a set of pliers, a multi-bit screwdriver, an Allen key set, along with several styles of tape like duct tape and teflon tape. You could also consider some heavy duty paper towels or rags for cleaning up any small messes.

Other tools you might consider are force plungers, which are used to apply extra force or blow compressed air or CO2 down a drain to break up extra tough clogs. These plungers are also best suited to unclog toilets.

Having an emergency kit is an important step to be prepared for plumbing emergencies, but the best tool you can get for your kit is the number for a trusted local plumber or professional plumbing service. They can give you other tips about what to add to your emergency kit, as well as when to contact them when you need some extra help.

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