Important Plumbing Tips

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Nobody likes dealing with leaking pipes, slow drains and other plumbing headaches. The importance of knowing a reliable local plumbing professional is vital for the health and longevity of the pipes and fixtures in your home. But do you know some basic tips for handling the plumbing in your own home?

Never flush anything but toilet paper in the toilet: It’s important that you and your family should never flush other paper-like material such as sanitary napkins or baby wipes. Because of the density of these materials, they can block the pipe in your home, and that can lead to unsightly (and messy) clogged toilets and other plumbing backups.

Learn how to handle slow draining pipes and sinks: Some sinks and drain pipes, especially in old homes, can become clogged with unpleasant sludge and other build up. Your local plumbing professional will have industrial tools and other methods for cleaning out your pipes, but one method to try is called “snaking.” You can either buy or rent a snake pipe which attaches to your tub or sink faucet, and run it down the drain to the source of a clog. Turning on the water will shoot high pressure water streams to break up any loose mater in the pipe.

Locate the shut-off value for your home: Not every homeowner knows where this valve is located, but it’s important enough that everyone should learn how to locate it. Make sure that you know both where the valve is located inside of your home, as well as the public shut-off outside of the house. The main shut-off is usually at the curb for most residences.

Remember to contact your plumbing professional for any larger jobs or those you aren’t sure about how to handle.

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