Clogged Toilet Do’s and Don’ts

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Nobody wants a clogged toilet, but in most cases it is little more than an inconvenience.  Here are a few tips to keep your clogged toilet from becoming a major hassle.

Don’t try clearing a clogged toilet by flushing it again.  That’s just wishful thinking. If it’s clogged and didn’t overflow after the first flush, it darn sure will after the second flush.

Don’t try to clear a toilet clog using chemicals.  These chemicals can harm your pipes and are bad for the environment, but most importantly if they don’t work then you have a toilet full of dangerous chemicals to deal with.  If you try to use a plunger after pouring chemicals in the toilet you could easily splash these chemicals on your skin or in your eyes and be seriously injured.

Do take your time with a clogged toilet.  Once you have the water turned off and cleaned up any spilled water, you have plenty of time to carefully consider your options and deal with the clog.  Most toilet clogs can be cleared with an old fashioned plunger and some patience. If you are in a hurry to get to work, just leave the clog and deal with it when you get home.  In fact, you might get lucky and it clears while you are away.

Do call a plumber if you are unable to clear the clog with a plunger or if the toilet clogs easily and frequently.  Your clogged toilet could be a sign of other issues such as a septic system or sewer line problem or there could be an obstruction in your drain pipe causing clogs to form.

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