Diagnosing A Toilet Leak

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It can be disheartening to find a pool of water by your toilet. The first fear is that the entire unit will need to be replaced. The second is worrying about water damage if the leak is not stopped immediately. While some toilet leaks will result in the toilet needing to be replaced, some leaks may be smaller and easier problems to fix. Here are a couple of things to look for to find the leak before calling in a plumber.

  • Tank condensation – Water condensation on your tank can build up and cause water to drip. Often, this is not a major problem. Try wiping down the toilet tank, then check it in an hour or so. If there is no water on the floor, then it was just condensation, and there is probably no need to call a plumber.
  • Pipes – Check for drips or leaks in the pipes and fittings behind the toilet. Try wiping these down and watching for drips to form. If there is a drip, it may be something as simple as a worn out washer or fitting.
  • Toilet base – If there is water seeping from the toilet base, there are a couple of things that may be wrong. Your seal could have been broken between the toilet and the floor, requiring  the toilet to be replaced. The toilet also may have a crack, which would also mean you need to replace the toilet.

Although toilet repairs are generally a quick job, it is best to have a professional plumber complete the work. Especially when resealing or replacing the entire toilet, as it is important to have the expertise of a trained and licensed plumber to ensure the work is performed properly.

Posted on behalf of Kiddco Plumbing,Inc.

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