Do You Have a Clogged Drain in Your Future?

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It is easy to take your kitchen sink drain for granted, rinsing food debris down the pipes. Grease from pans, coffee grounds from the bottom of your pot and all types of food morsels can end up going down into your pipes. While one rinsing session will not usually clog a drain, over time all those food particles can accumulate in your plumbing. If you have bad kitchen sink habits, a clogged drain could be in your future.

Many people think their garbage disposal will save them from plumbing clogs. Unfortunately, having a garbage disposal can foster bad habits and lead to even more plumbing problems. Just because this device will chop food into smaller pieces doesn’t mean you can put anything down your kitchen sink drain. When those chunks of food encounter grease or fat pockets in your pipes, a major clog can happen.

Preventing Kitchen Drain Problems

To prevent a clogged kitchen drain, start changing your habits. Start by not rinsing food residue down the drain. Scrape plates and pans into the garage or compost bin. Wipe grease and fats away with a paper towel. This will eliminate a large amount of fat that ends up coating the interior of your plumbing pipes.

When it comes to the garbage disposal, remember that not all food is meant to go through the grinder into your drain. Keep fibrous fruit and vegetable peels out of the disposal. Never put egg shells, coffee grounds or bones down the sink drain – these are too hard to dissolve and can get caught in your pipes.

By practicing good kitchen habits, you can avoid many clogs that could have plagued you in the future. If a clog does happen, call in your local plumber to clear your pipes and plan on better habits going forward.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(404) 973-2471

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