Water Leaks Waste Water And Money

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A water leak in your home can cost a lot more than most people think.  Even a small leak can add up to hundreds or thousands of dollars per year on your water bills.  A large water leak in your water service line can set you back over a thousand dollars per month!

Don’t let this happen to you – be vigilant and call your local plumber at the first sign of a water leak.  Repairing a water leak will cost far less than the cost of the wasted water.  In addition, underground water leaks in your water supply line can lead to insect problems or damage to your foundation.  Water leaks in the plumbing inside your home can cause expensive damage to walls, floors, and ceilings.

Your first line of defense against water leaks is to keep a close eye on your water bill.  If you see an unexplained rise in your water usage, this is usually the first sign of a water leak and you should investigate further.

Your water meter can help you determine whether you have a water leak in your home.  Locate your water meter and make a note of the reading on the meter.  Turn off all water using devices in your home including automatic ice makers, pool fillers, sprinkler systems, humidifiers, dishwashers, and other appliances.  Don’t flush any toilets or use any faucets for at least 4 hours, then check the meter reading again.

If the meter reading has changed, then you have a water leak and you should call your local plumber right away to have the leak repaired.  Your local plumber will be able to find the leak quickly and explain your repair options.


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