3 Signs Your Water Heater is Failing

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Water heaters often seem to fail without warning. One day, you jump in the shower and there is no hot water. However, there are usually warning signs that a water heater is failing if you know what to expect. Water heaters tend to last about ten years, but any time after eight years you should be on the lookout for issues.  Here are three signs your water heater may be coming to the end of its lifespan, so you can proactively replace it before it fails.

  1. Strange noises. Is your water heater making more noise than before? Banging, gurgling or popping noises are usually due to sediment buildup. Draining your tank can help, but too much sediment over time will lead to failure.
  2. Leaks. A major tank leak is often the reason a water heater is replaced. However, small leaks can occur that should be a warning that a major leak or failure is around the corner. Watch for moisture around the tank or small puddles.
  3. Hot water issues. Does it seem to take longer to get hot water or the temperature doesn’t seem to be as warm as before? Does your hot water have a tinge of color to it? Changes in your hot water temperature or color can be a sign there is a problem with your water heater.

It is better to replace your water heater on your schedule than wait for the tank to spring a leak or to wake up to a cold shower. Keep an eye and ear open for issues with your water heater once it is several years old. When it begins having problems, call your local plumber and have it proactively replaced before it fails.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(404) 973-2471

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