Confused About Remedies for Clogged Drains or Blocked Sewer Pipes?

There are several remedies available today to help you with your clogged drain or blocked sewer pipe, but which one should you use? Of course, a drain cleaner would be a first choice for the average homeowner. However, that could be anything from a chemical compound to a handheld auger, from a home remedy to an airburst cleaner, from an electric drain cleaner to a high-pressure water sewer jetter, or, finally, an enzymatic drain cleaner.

Consumer product drain cleaners are chemical compounds that are either alkaline (in solid or liquid form) or acidic (liquid) in composition. Their main function is to open drain clogs of either hair or grease that typically lie close to the drain opening. They are less effective for clogs that are farther down the line, such as that which occurs in toilets or main sewer drains. Augers, manual or electric, are often used for those more problematic clogs, but the estimated distance of the clog and the augers potential damage to ceramic surfaces can be a concern.

Airburst cleaners can also break up clogs that are farther from the drain opening and are faster acting than typical chemicals; however, they work best in “standing water” situations and are ineffective on main sewer drains. High-pressure hydro-jetting is effective for most large clogs in drains and sewer lines and can be done by a professional plumber.  Enzymatic drain cleaners are used to maintain clear drains, since they consist of bacteria and enzymes that react to dissolve forming residue.

If you have concerns about your plumbing drainage system that go beyond the quick and easy, consumer product solution, it is always best to have your local plumbing professional inspect your system to ensure that all is in good working condition.