Preventing Mold In Your Bathroom

There are thousands of varieties of molds which can invade your home, especially your bathroom. Mold grows best in warm, moist environments, making your bathroom the ideal places to flourish.  Mold can stain your bathroom fixtures, plus can be a health hazard. Although there is no way to eliminate mold altogether, you can take steps to prevent its growth. 

Fortifying Your Bathroom Against Mold

There are several ways you can protect your bathroom and family against mold. The key is to reduce excess moisture and places for water to hide, which can lead to accelerated mold growth. By completing just a few preventative steps, you can greatly reduce the chance of having your bathroom become a Petri dish for mold spores. 

–        Wipe down showers and bathtubs after use. A quick wipe down of your shower walls and bathtub after each use will eliminate excess moisture. Educate your family about using their used towel to absorb the water left in the shower or tub after each use.

–        Fix drips or leaks. A dripping faucet or leaky bathroom pipe keeps moisture at a high level all day long. Call your local plumber to have these issues fixed, and reduce the moisture to prevent bigger plumbing problems down the road.

–        Grout and caulking. The grout around tiles and the caulking around the edges of your shower need to be maintained to reduce moisture seeping into cracks. Make sure your grout is properly sealed, and that caulking is sealing all seams.

–        Use your bathroom fan. An exhaust fan in your bathroom can reduce much of the moisture left in the air after a bath or shower. Make sure the fan is turned on during every shower or bath to remove the moist air. 

Preventing mold is much easier than trying to get rid of it once it invades your bathroom. With a few preventative measures, you can keep your bathroom clean and healthy, free from nasty, harmful mold.

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