Moving or Replacing a Toilet During a Remodel Can Create Problems

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Bathrooms are one area of the home that frequently get remodeled. Sometimes the bathroom remodeling may include replacing the old toilet with a new one. Even if that is not the case, generally the toilet may need to moved out of the bathroom in order for the flooring to be replaced and wall finishes completed behind it. In either scenario, it is important to understand what can go wrong if you should happen to try and undertake this task yourself.

Not having the water supply shutoff to the toilet is a simple mistake that can have big consequences when removing a toilet. Make sure this is your number one priority.

One of the other problems homeowners can run into when removing a toilet from its seating can be rusted bolts. This can especially be a problem in older homes where the toilet has not been moved or replaced for many years. In attempting to remove the rusted bolts, one must also be cautious not to crack the porcelain if there are plans to reuse the toilet.

Once the toilet is removed, the flooring should also be examined for water damage. Leaky toilets can cause damage that deteriorates the subfloor beneath it. If this has happened, it will be important to replace the damaged subfloor before reinstalling a toilet in the bathroom.

The other problems that can occur during this process are during the installation of the new or former toilet. A wax seal needs to be installed before seating the toilet in place. Forgetting this simple step or doing it incorrectly can result in a leaky toilet. Tightening the bolts too tight when installing the toilet is problem you want to avoid. Over tightening could potentially crack the toilet’s base.

The safest way to avoid all these problems is to hire a professional plumber to both remove and install your toilet for you.

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