Hard Water Solutions for the Average Homeowner

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Living in a home with hard water can wreak havoc on your skin, dishes and plumbing fixtures. Unfortunately, an estimated four out of five American homes have to contend with hard water. While you may have resigned yourself to a life of soap that doesn’t later and build-up on your showerhead, there are solutions that can make a big difference in your water supply and quality of life.

When you’re forcing hard water through your hot water heater, you’re running the risk of mineral buildup accumulating on heating elements and within the tank. Your washing machine can also suffer from the addition of these mineral deposits, so it genuinely pays to look into water softening options. When you consider the cost of a water softener installation versus the cost of opting to live with hard water, you may be surprised by the results. After all, soft water will allow you to replace appliances less often, use less soap and shampoo in the shower, and replace your clothing less often.

Contacting a licensed and experienced plumbing professional in your area to discuss your water softening options is an investment that will pay off in spades in the long run. By working with a professional plumber, you’ll be able to determine which method of softening your water is most feasible and effective for your home. Before you’re forced to replace another hot water heater, dishwasher or favorite garment because of hard water damage, get in touch with a professional plumbing expert in your area. You may be surprised by just how much changes after your home is fitted with a water softener.

Posted on behalf of Kiddco Plumbing


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